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Fees and Bond Information

SARA North Carolina Fee Schedule

We base our annual fees on an institution's total full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment.

Fewer than 2,500 FTE students $2,000
2,500-9,999 FTE students $4,000
10,000 or more FTE students $6,000
* as shown in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

NC-SARA Fee Schedule

NC-SARA bases their annual fees on an institution's total full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment.

Fewer than 2,500 FTE students $2,200
2,500-9,999 FTE students $4,400
10,000-29,999 FTE students $6,600
30,000 or more FTE students $8,800
* as shown in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

Note: NC-SARA fees are in addition to the SARA North Carolina fees. For more information on NC-SARA fees and payment details, please visit

Payment Method

Our accepted method of payment is check. Please send one (1) check to cover SARA North Carolina fees only. A separate invoice will be emailed to the institution from NC-SARA once the State Portal Entity has approved the application.

Please make checks payable to NCSEAA and place SARA North Carolina on the memo line. We are not able to accept and process improperly addressed checks.

Please send your check to:

c/o SARA North Carolina
P.O. Box 41349
Raleigh, NC 27629

For those institutions requiring a W-9 form for payment, please email our accounts payable department.

North Carolina e-Procurement Listing

If your institution will be using the North Carolina e-Procurement system to obtain a purchase order to process payment for fees associated with participating in SARA, please use the following to locate each entity in the system:

North Carolina State Portal Entity
Supplier: University of North Carolina
Location: NCSEAA

Supplier: NC-SARA
Location: NC-SARA

Bond Requirement for Non-Public Schools

Any private institution (for-profit and non-profit) with a federal financial responsibility composite score below a 1.5 must obtain a tuition guaranty bond or irrevocable letter of credit. The criteria for each are:

  1. The bond shall be executed by the institution as Principal and a bonding company authorized to do business in the State of North Carolina as the Surety, with the Obligee listed as the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority.
  2. The bond amount for an institution shall be at least equal to the maximum amount of prepaid tuition held, for all distance education students and all students required by their degree program to conduct a field placement experience where the student elects to conduct the field placement experience outside of the State of North Carolina, at any time during the last fiscal year by the institution. The bond amount shall also be at least ten thousand dollars ($10,000). Each application to SARA North Carolina shall include a letter signed by an authorized representative of the institution showing in detail the calculations made and the method of computing the amount of the bond.
  3. The irrevocable letter of credit must be acceptable to and made payable to the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority, and shall be at least equal to the maximum amount of prepaid tuition held for all distance education students and all students required by their degree program to conduct a field placement experience where the student elects to conduct the field placement experience outside of the State of North Carolina at any time during the last fiscal year by the institution. The letter of credit must be from a bank authorized to do business in the State of North Carolina.